Join MCH, Homes for All, and the National Low-Income Housing Coalition for a Tweetstorm to Oppose the Federal Tax Reform Bill
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Central Time)
Tuesday, November 28
The goal of the tweetstorm: Ask Senators to vote ‘NO’ on a tax bill that does not reinvest housing dollars into affordable homes for individuals and families with the greatest needs.
**(If you don’t have Twitter to participate in the Twitter storm click here for an alternative form of advocacy.)
The Senate is gearing up to vote on their amended federal tax bill this week! While the Senate’s version preserves critical housing resources that are slated for elimination in the House-passed version, both bills increase the federal debt by at least $1.5 trillion, putting future federal investments in affordable housing and community development – as well as other vital programs that help struggling families and individuals meet their basic needs – at the risk of strong cuts.
Here is the information for lawmakers:

Copy and paste these sample tweets into your twitter box and share/retweet to the above lawmakers:
- Safeguard the effectiveness of the 9% Low Income Housing Tax Credit in the face of corporate tax rate reduction. #TaxReform
- The #GOPTaxPlan increases the debt by $1.5T to give tax cuts to the rich, while #affordablehousing investments are put at risk.
- #Cutshurt seniors, ppl w/disabilities, kids, and more. Vote NO on the #GOPTaxPlan that puts investments in #affordablehousing at risk.
- We have an #affordablehousing crisis. Where we live impacts everything. Vote no on the #GOPTaxPlan. #TaxReform
- Families thrive because of #affordablehousing investments at HUD and USDA. Congress – vote NO on the #GOPTaxPlan. #Homes4AllMN
- With #affordablehousing, families climb the economic ladder and kids do better in school. The #GOPTaxPlan invests in the rich, not kids.
- Affordable homes are linked to better health. A #GOPTaxPlan that puts #affordablehousing investments at risk makes America less healthy.
- Better health, education, & economic mobility means vote NO on the #GOPTaxPlan, which puts #affordablehousing at risk
- Pass a bipartisan #TaxReform bill that benefits our most vulnerable communities. #GOPTaxPlan
- Where we live impacts everything — vote NO on the #GOPTaxPlan so everyone has a place to call home
Use this link for more info:
Last Tuesday, Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless, Homes for All, and multiple organizations and advocates hosted a press conference to publicly share how the federal tax bill will have a devastating impact on housing production in Minnesota. Commissioner Mary Tingerthal, of the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency, was among the speakers. Commissioner Tingerthal shared that 12 projects in 17 communities would lose more than $33 million in funding! That jeopardizes the construction or rehabilitation of 779 units!
Read more here and here.
To see photos from the press conference, check out Homes for All’s Facebook page.
Where we live impacts everything — thank you for your advocacy. Please let Fatima Moore, Director of Public Policy, know if you have questions.