2025 Policy Agenda

Even after the historic legislative wins of 2023-2024, there are significant needs in communities across Minnesota for continued capital investment in shelter, making new investments to create or preserve transitional housing, and continued investment into homelessness assistance programs. Our partners have identified vital policy solutions through engagement with communities most impacted; we join them in lifting these powerful solutions. 

The priorities of MCH and our partners below will make crucial investments and policy solutions to address homelessness –every child, youth, adult, and family should have shelter and a home.
  1. $200M in Family Homeless Prevention and Assistance Program (FHPAP)

    • FUNDING REQUEST: With a vastly underfunded budget of $20M, we request $200M to meet the statewide need. FHPAP is designed to provide flexible financial assistance and supportive services to families, youth, and single adults who are homeless or at imminent risk of becoming homeless to lead towards housing stability. It can be used for but not limited to financial support, such as rental costs, utility payments, transportation, and propane. In addition to financial assistance, it also provides support services such as housing search, referrals, employment resources, system navigation, and more.
  2. Humane Encampment Clearing 
    • POLICY REQUEST: Clear out encampments in a humane, dignified, and consistent way across the state. While we continue to advocate for more shelter options and affordable housing solutions, encampments must have local guidelines to ensure they are cleared in a humane, dignified, and consistent way. This includes but is not limited to setting minimum standards from the time of posting a notice to vacate to the actual clearing, recognition of personal belongings, and convenings to ensure the guidelines are effective access to resources.
    • Partner-led with Agate + housing services

  3. Emergency Shelter – $300M One-Time Funding Request
    • FUNDING REQUEST: A $300M one-time Funding Request will create, preserve, and enhance day and overnight shelters. Funding the preservation and creation of shelter is key to meeting the growing community needs for unsheltered homelessness. It will help meet needs that are culturally responsive, gender-affirming, accessible, and low-barrier. In 2023, we received $100M, but that only covered one-third of those who applied for funding across Minnesota. Note: Site-based transitional Housing will have a separate capital funding bill led by Lutheran Social Service of Minnesota.
  4. Tribal Encounter Rate
    • POLICY REQUEST: Our policy request would allow Tribes to receive the all-inclusive rate (AKA Tribal Encounter Rate) for housing stabilization services. The Tribal Encounter Rate is 100% federally funded; our policy request would allow Tribes to receive the all-inclusive rate (AKA Tribal Encounter Rate) for housing stabilization services. The Tribal Encounter Rate requires the Minnesota Department of Human Services to submit a state plan amendment to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) for a new Tribal health facility category, called Housing Services, which would allow Tribes to receive the all-inclusive Tribal Encounter Rate for housing stabilization services.
    • Partner-led priority by the MN Tribal Collaborative to Prevent & End Homelessness
  5. Protect and Sustain Housing and Homelessness Programs
    • POLICIES REQUEST: Our request is to protect investments made to housing and homelessness programs. Housing and homelessness programs are vital to Minnesota communities’ health, safety, and well-being. They play a vital role in providing solutions to homelessness, ensuring the safety and well-being of vulnerable communities, and addressing the urgent need for housing across the state. By investing in these services and programs, the state has committed to solving homelessness, increasing affordable housing opportunities, and supporting individuals and families in need.
  6. African American Workforce and Affordable Homeownership Development Program
    • REQUEST: Narrow the racial disparities in homeownership rates and improve access to affordable housing for African Americans. Establishing the African American Workforce and Affordable Homeownership Development Program to award homeownership and workforce development grants to cities, Tribal governments, nonprofit organizations, cooperatives, and community land trusts created for the development of affordable homeownership projects targeted at African Americans utilizing African Americans in the workforce.

Contact: Matt Traynor, Director of Advocacymatt@mnhomelesscoalition.org or 218-213-2054 

2025 MCH Endorse Agenda

  • MCH supports and endorses the following legislation this year, along with our 2025 Legislative Priorities:

Past Legislative Agendas

Download the 2024 MCH Legislative Priorities
Download the 2023 MCH Policy Agenda Here
Download the 2022 MCH Legislative Agenda
Download the 2021 MCH Legislative Agenda
Download the 2020 MCH Legislative Agenda
Download the 2019 MCH Legislative Agenda

Download the 2018 MCH Legislative Agenda

Contact: Matt Traynor, Director of Advocacy — matt@mnhomelesscoalition.org or 218-213-2054