Thank you for registering for Homeless Day on the Hill on Wednesday, March 13, from 8:00am – 3:00pm — we are looking forward to advocating with you!
Click here for the master list of lawmaker visits
Homeless Day on the Hill Details:
Wednesday, March 13, 2019
8:00 am – Registration at Central Presbyterian Church
(Location: 500 Cedar St, St Paul, MN 55101)
9:00 am – Program / Legislative Training at Central Presbyterian Church
(Location: 500 Cedar St, St Paul, MN 55101)
10:30 am – 3:30 pm – Lawmaker Visits & Activities in SOB Room 300N
12:00 pm – Press Conference in Capitol Press Room 181
12:45 pm – HHS Hearing in SOB Room 200 (let’s pack the room!)

Our main meeting space will be in the State Office Building (SOB) Room 300N! Please join us there between your meetings.
MCH is offering a limited number of Metro Transit passes to use between Central Presbyterian Church (10th street exit) and the State Capitol. Please pick up your tickets in the Friendship Room at registration. It is a 15-20-minute walk from the church to the Capitol or two stops on the Green Line LRT.
Lunch is on your own. You can bring a lunch or buy lunch in the Transportation (MNDOT) cafeteria or the cafeteria of the Capitol. Thanks to the Downtown Congregations to End Homelessness, we’ll have vouchers for scholarship lunches at check-in and in 300N of the SOB until they are gone.
Registration is closed, but walk-ins are welcome.
Questions? Contact:
Eden Fauré at 651-645-7332 |