We are 31 days away from the end of the 2018 legislative session!
Homes for All
Today marks the final committee deadline for the budget bills. That means they have to be acted on favorably and re-referred to the House Ways and Means Committee or the Senate Finance Committee. Since the release of budget targets in the House of Representatives last week, many committees have released their omnibus bills and held hearings in the House and Senate.
Omnibus Bills
was included in the Jobs Growth and Energy Affordability Policy and Finance committee omnibus bill.
**An omnibus bill is a package of bills that the members of the committee deem as priority bills.
Homework Starts with Home received a one-time $1M appropriation in fiscal year 2019. An additional $500K was authorized for the manufactured housing infrastructure grant program housed at MHFA and also received a one-time appropriation in fiscal year 2019.

Group of H4A supporters at Monday’s hearing.
Thank you to all who made your calls on Monday to voice your disappointment to lawmakers and urge them to include funding for SF 3238.
We had over 200+ calls! Stay tuned for more action alerts – your voice matters.
Senate Agriculture, Rural Development, and Housing Finance committee released its omnibus bill last week. The five Tax Exempt Bonds agreements, which are part of the H4A agenda, were included, along with including senior housing as a new eligible use of Housing Infrastructure Bonds!
The House and Senate Health and Human Services (HHS) committees released their omnibus bills this week. However, no part of the H4A agenda was included in either body. Our very own Director of Organizing, Matt Traynor, testified against the lack of investments in Supportive Services in the House HHS committee’s omnibus bill.
Renter’s Credit Update
Currently, we haven’t seen any threats to the Renter’s Credit but are closely looking for the release of the Taxes omnibus bills, which are anticipated to be released next week. Hopefully, we share the same sentiment once those bills are released.
Thank you again for another fast-paced and energizing week!