Fridays with Fatima Volume 6


MCH had another busy week at the Capitol filled with meetings and hearings. Keep reading to learn more!

Homes for All Bills

All hands were on deck this week as multiple of our Homes for All bills were heard in committees. Our Minnesota Housing Finance (MHFA) bill authored by Senator Dziedzic (S. F. 3238), Tax Exempt Bond Enhancement bill & a bill on Homes for All support agenda, pushed by Minnesota Housing Partnership (MHP), were given a hearing in the Senate Agriculture, Rural Development, and Housing Finance committee. Members of the committee acted favorably on the bills and referred it to the next committee in line. MHP’s bill was also heard this week  (H.F. 4072, Rep. S. Anderson) in the House Taxes committee, and members acted favorably on that bill as well. In other words, these bills are moving along fine!

Upcoming Hearing! 
Our Health and Human Services bill (H.F. 3402, Rep. Hamilton) has been given a hearing!  Our bill is last on the agenda and it is likely that the committee will recess and reconvene later that evening.
Heath and Human Services Financ Committee
Date: Tuesday, April 10, 2018
Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:45 p.m.
Location: 200 State Office Building


This is Medicaid Update

H.F 3722 S.F 3611, Medicaid Work Requirement bills were heard again this week in the House and Senate. The House held a hearing on Wednesday evening (find that here) which included powerful testimonies in opposition to the bill. This hearing started at 7:00 p.m. and lasted well over five hours, including a robust debate! The bill passed by a 12-11 vote and was referred to the House Ways and Means committee. Rep. Zerwas and Rep. Hamilton voted no and voiced strong opposition to the proposal. Please thank them for being champions of this important issue! Their Twitter handles: @NickZerwas and @RHamilton542. Also, follow @ThisIsMedicaid on Twitter to keep up with news and updates moving forward.

The Senate also held a hearing (find that here) on the Medicaid work requirement bill.  Testimonies for and against the bill were limited to 20 minutes each, for or against the bill, unlike the House hearing. Senator Jensen abstained from voting and the bill was passed by Senate Finance committee with a 7-6 vote. Similar to both House hearings, many advocates in opposition to the bill filled the hearing room and testifier list.  Unfortunately, due to the time testimony time limit, not everyone was able to testify.
Governor Dayton released a letter opposing the Medicaid requirement bill prior to the Wednesday hearing. 


Senta Leff testifying

Spring Recess 
Legislators will head home to their districts Friday, March 30, and return to the Capitol on Monday, April 9. This is a great opportunity to call your legislator and ask them to support the Homes for All agenda!


Copyright Minnesota House of Representatives. Photo by (photographer’s name).

Thank you for your ongoing support! Our bills are moving and shaking and we couldn’t do it without you.