Hey all – thanks for following along with Fridays with Fatima. We have some great progress on our bills below.
Homes for All Bills

An advocate at the Homes for All rally pushing forward our 2017 agenda
Renter’s Credit
Action Alert!
Governor Dayton’s 2018 tax plan released last week includes two important proposals that make lower-income Minnesotans a priority. Please join us in thanking him!
Call Script“Hi, this is [your name] and I live in [your city]. I’m calling to thank Governor Dayton for making everyday Minnesotans a priority in his tax plan. I especially want to thank him for expanding the Working Family Credit and protecting the Property Tax Refund.”
Tweet Script“Thank you @GovMarkDayton for making everyday Minnesotans a priority in your tax plan. I especially want to thank you for expanding the Working Family Credit and protecting the Property Tax Refund”
Fines and Fees
The campaign to alleviate the burden of fines/fees and driver’s license suspensions is gaining great momentum. Fines and fees from traffic tickets and low-level violations strip assets from communities and create a debt trap that has a significant impact on low-wealth individuals and people of color. Waiving fees or creating an ‘Ability to Pay’ factor would allow Minnesotans to maintain/reinstate their driver’s license so they can get to work, pay their fines, and avoid a criminal record.
Fortunately, the Driver’s License bill (H.F. 3356) has been heard in the house and will be considered for inclusion in the House Transportation omnibus bill. That means that when the Transportation omnibus bills go to conference committee, our bill will be discussed for inclusion in the final bill.

L to R: Susie Schatz (Lutheran Social Services of MN), Rep. Fenton.