Hi all,
We have had a successful first week of our 2018 legislative session! Click here for MCH’s Legislative Agenda.
On the first day of session, MCH staff and other Homes for All partners met lawmakers in the rotunda of the Capitol for pictures. Many were excited to show their support for housing. Check out a few pictures below!

L to R: Kari Johnson (MCCD), Allison Streich (Carver County CDA/Homes for All Co-Chair), Rep. Duane Sauke (DFL, 25B), Rep. Nels Pierson (R, 26B), Libby Murphy (MHP).

Rep. Peggy Flannagan (DFL, 46A) and Fatima Moore (MCH)

Senta Leff (MCH), Julian Loscalzo (Community Advocate/Lobbyist)
We secured chief authors in the House and Senate for our bonding bills!
We are grateful for bi-partisan support from our lawmakers.
Friday Facts
The Number Run
February 21, 2018: First Day of the Legislative session
120: Number of legislative days in a biennium
58: Number days available for this year
March 06, 2018: Homeless Day on the Hill
May 21, 2018: Date by which members must complete their work
11: House members who have announced they will not seek re-election this year
77: Number of Republican House members
57: DFL House members
34-33: Republican seat majority in the Senate
Next week: Keep your eyes and ears open for the release of the February Forecast! This is a summary of the 2018 February Budget and Economic Forecast which tells us if the State as a deficit or surplus and impacts the outcome of our budget request. We will keep you posted.
Thank you for your advocacy! We are very excited for this session.