Hi everyone!
Below is some great stuff going on — thanks for following along.
February Budget Forecast
The fiscal health of our state was released yesterday and confirms previous predictions of a shrinking state budget. On Thursday, February 28th the Commissioner of Management and Budget, Myron Frantz, reported a weakened February Budget and Economic Forecast with about a half million dollar reduction from November’s forecast. Minnesota Budget Project has a great analysis of the forecast.
Health and Human Services (HHS) Bills
Homes for All HHS bills have been introduced in the House of Representatives and the Senate. House File 1043 (Rep. Cantrell) and Senate File 1864 (Senator Utke) have bi-partisan support in both chambers. We are working on securing a hearing for them. If any of the lawmakers listed represent you, they would love to receive a quick email thanking them for their support. However, if you notice your lawmaker is not on the bill, an email requesting their support of the bill would be impactful. Find out who represents you here.
Securing authors in the Senate
For those of us working on homelessness and affordable housing issue, we do not need much convincing that access to a home can determine the future trajectory of one’s life. But, that is not always the case when requesting support for chief authors and bill sponsors at the legislature. I believe firmly that constituents can influence how policymakers vote, and the types of legislation they champion; that rings true for the issue of homelessness and affordable housing. With a split legislature, it is even more imperative to hold our policy makers accountable for the issues they prioritize by staying engaged during and after the legislative session.
Rally to Restore the Vote
The Restore the Vote Coalition is hosting a Rally for Voting Rights on March 7. A bill to restore voting rights to over 50,000 of our friends and neighbors is making its way through the state House this spring. Show up at the Capitol to support democracy and criminal justice reform.
Thank you!

PS: Homeless Day on the Hill is in a couple weeks!!
Register here now!