Your gift to MCH invests in concrete policy change. Whether it’s advocacy for affordable housing or raising assistance levels for families experiencing homelessness, your support helps thousands of Minnesotan’s access shelter, housing, and support. As we take on the 2023 legislative session, your contribution is more important than ever.
Your contribution may also be mailed to: Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless 2233 University Ave W Suite #423 St. Paul, 55114
Thank you for your gift to Minnesota Coalition to the Homeless. Due to staff capacity and remote work capabilities, we will mail your acknowledgement letter the first week of January. If you need a letter in the meantime, please contact us at Thank you!
Nonprofit Information
The Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless is a 501 (c)3 nonprofit organization and is registered as a charitable organization with the State of Minnesota Attorney General’s Office. Your gift is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Tax ID: 41-1601248
The Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless is pleased to share its IRS 990 Form to demonstrate that your donation goes directly to the work of ending homelessness. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions or concerns. MCH’s donor privacy policy and request to discontinue contact policy is available here.
In-Kind Donations
Please note that the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless is unable to accept clothes, toiletries, and other products for people who are experiencing homelessness. We encourage you to donate these products directly to a local service provider. We do welcome in-kind donations of printing paper, ink and other office supplies.
If you would like to make a product donation to our office, please contact Rhonda Otteson: or 651-645-7332. Thank you!