
Heading Home Together Reflection

The Heading Home Together Leadership Circle had a meeting on Tuesday, April 10. Allison Streich and Senta Leff (Homes for All Co-Chairs) are representing Homes for All on the Heading HomeTogether Leadership Circle. The new Heading Home Together Leadership Circle will radically change how we identify and solve problems. It will fully leverage the commitments and contributions of all. Heading Home Together Leadership Circle Allison Streich shares her experience with the […]

Welcome, Andy!

MCH’s board of directors is growing! We are very excited to introduce Andy Pomroy as our newest board member. Andy is  Government Relations Specialist at Fredrikson & Byron. Read below to hear more about Andy: 1) What is your role at Fredrikson & Byron? I am a Government Relations Specialist where I represent a variety […]

Fridays with Fatima Volume 6

Greetings! MCH had another busy week at the Capitol filled with meetings and hearings. Keep reading to learn more! Homes for All Bills All hands were on deck this week as multiple of our Homes for All bills were heard in committees. Our Minnesota Housing Finance (MHFA) bill authored by Senator Dziedzic (S. F. 3238), Tax Exempt Bond […]

Join us at the Capitol this week!

With the spring recess right around the corner (March 30 – April 6), there are deadlines to be met and hearings to attend! Join us at the Minnesota Legislature this week to advance affordable housing across the state! Wednesday, March 28, 2018 There will be three hearings to attend on Wednesday; one focuses on a support agenda […]

Fridays with Fatima Volume 5

Hey all – thanks for following along with Fridays with Fatima. We have some great progress on our bills below. MCH’s 2018 Legislative Agenda can be found here. REMINDER: Legislators will be heading back to their districts for spring recess, beginning Friday, March 30 through Sunday, April 8. This is a great time to thank them […]

Fridays with Fatima – Volume 3

Week three at the Capitol was fast paced and successful.  Read below to find out more about this past week with MCH and Homes for All! Homeless Day on the Hill Advocates showed up and engaged with lawmakers on Homeless Day on the Hill! I have heard from many lawmakers since Tuesday, that they were impressed […]

First reflections from my trip to D.C.

Arianna Nason is the Tribal Organizer for MCH, as well as  Humphrey Public Policy fellow. She recently had the opportunity to go to Washington D.C. for part of her fellowship, and below is one of many reflections from her time there.  As one of the Humphrey Public Policy fellows, I recently went on a trip […]

Fridays with Fatima – Volume 1

Hi all, We have had a successful first week of our 2018 legislative session! Click here for MCH’s Legislative Agenda. On the first day of session, MCH staff and other Homes for All partners met lawmakers in the rotunda of the Capitol for pictures.  Many were excited to show their support for housing. Check out […]

Thank you, Muna Scekomar!

MCH welcomed a St. Catherine University intern for the month of January Working closely with our Director of Public Policy, Muna Scekomar played a large role in helping us prepare for Homeless Day on the Hill (Registration is open here: goo.gl/pjmtcU)on March 6, 2018. Her talents and dedication were amazing, and we will miss her. Read […]

Homeless Memorial March

The Homeless Memorial March and Service will bring together hundreds of community members to remember 169 homeless and formerly homeless friends and 11 advocates who passed away over the year. Of the individuals remembered, the average death age of homeless Minnesotans is 45. The average death age of formerly homeless individuals is 51. Of the […]