Affordable Housing

At the Capitol: Homes for All Bill Hearing

[View the story “Homes for All: Bond for Housing” on Storify]

Governor Dayton Proposes $50 Million for Housing

Governor Dayton released his bonding bill proposal this morning: he included $50 million for affordable housing. This is a record. We are thrilled to see this commitment from Governor Dayton and praise his effort. Here’s his contact information – please consider writing a quick thank you note. There’s more good news: Homes for All has a bill prepared to invest $100 million for […]

Advocacy in Action: 1,904 Affordable Housing Units

During the 2013 legislative session, hundreds of people and organizations joined Homes for All to pass a $33 million funding boost for affordable housing and homeless services. A portion of this funding was recently awarded by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. Bottom line: As a result of your support and advocacy, 1,904 affordable housing units will be […]