Affordable Housing

11th Hour Updates from the Capitol

Public policy impacts people. We see how decisions made at the Legislature affect striving Minnesotans every day. Homelessness isn’t the problem. It’s the result of broken systems. Each year, we advocate for solutions to fix broken systems: homelessness prevention programs, more affordable housing, a stronger economic safety net. Here’s what we know in the 11th […]

Budget Proposals on the Table

As of this morning, lawmakers have released budget proposals affecting the Homes for All and Prosperity for All campaigns. These proposals show what’s on the table–but our work is far from done! Over the coming weeks, the Senate, House, and Governor’s office will be negotiating final budget agreements that will be signed into law by […]

Action Alert: Ask House Members to Support Homes for All!

Your help is needed! MN House proposal cuts millions from proven and effective housing/homeless programs The House Job Growth and Energy Committee has released their initial omnibus bill. Family Homeless Prevention & Assistance cut $1.3 million Housing Trust Fund Rental Assistance cut $2.4 million Challenge Fund (housing construction/rehab) cut $5 million MN House proposes cutting Health […]

Governor Dayton’s Budget Proposal

Governor Dayton released his 2016-17 budget proposal this week.  The Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless praises Governor Dayton’s support for children and families. Top budget priorities include a child care tax credit, statewide pre-k, and wrap around school services. Here’s what we’re watching: HOMES FOR ALL $2.5M increase for Bridges (rental assistance for individuals with serious […]

We’re Back at the State Capitol

2015 Legislative Agenda 1. Homes for All Invest an additional $39M to prevent homelessness and create housing Endorse Homes for All 2. Prosperity for All  Reduce transportation barriers for striving workers by adding $100/month to MFIP assistance, the workforce program for low-income families Endorse Prosperity for All Email List Sign Up Forms   Homes for All Prosperity […]

ACTION ALERT: Ask legislators to VOTE YES!

Both the Senate and House released their bonding proposals. The bill may head to the House Floor as soon as Friday. Can you make three phone calls now? ***Action Alert*** 1. Call your state senator and state representative ASAP. Ask them to VOTE YES on the bonding bill and to support $100 million in bonds for housing. Find who represents you. 2. […]

The New Face of Homelessness

Rochester Schools homeless liaison Melissa Brandt wrote an illuminating piece about homeless students and the role of government and individuals in meeting their needs. Did you know public schools had a homeless liaison? As the homeless liaison, Melissa Brandt helps assist those kids and their families experiencing homelessness. Brandt eloquently stated: “Honestly, most of the […]

*Building* Support: Letters to the Editor

As the first phase of the legislation session wraps up, lawmakers are hunkering down. In the coming weeks, they will be decide what to include in the final bonding bill package. Sending a letter to the editor is an effective way keep housing on lawmakers’ radar and raise awareness among the general public. We know […]

Join us in thanking legislators

Good news came out of the Capitol last week. The House Capital Investment Committee released it’s bonding bill proposal: it includes $100 million for housing! The Senate will release its bonding proposal next month. The MFIP Workforce Education Bill was also approved by key committees. Lawmakers will need to decide if it will be included in the final Health […]

Homeless Day on the Hill 2014

[View the story “Homeless Day on the Hill 2014” on Storify]