Fridays with Fatima – Volume 4
Hi all, Friday is here – are you ready for the MCH update? Homes for All Bills New legislators sign on to our bills everyday! Below I’ve laid out the progress of our bills, which committee they are in, and their bill numbers. Click on the hyperlinks below for a thrilling ride into the lives […]
Fridays with Fatima – Volume 3
Week three at the Capitol was fast paced and successful. Read below to find out more about this past week with MCH and Homes for All! Homeless Day on the Hill Advocates showed up and engaged with lawmakers on Homeless Day on the Hill! I have heard from many lawmakers since Tuesday, that they were impressed […]
Tweetstorm to Oppose the Federal Tax Reform Bill
Join MCH, Homes for All, and the National Low-Income Housing Coalition for a Tweetstorm to Oppose the Federal Tax Reform Bill 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. (Central Time) Tuesday, November 28 The goal of the tweetstorm: Ask Senators to vote ‘NO’ on a tax bill that does not reinvest housing dollars into affordable homes for individuals and […]
What’s At Stake Without a Bonding Bill
On June 14, 2016, the Capital Investment Conference Committee heard public testimony on Minnesota’s bonding bill. Weeks after the legislative biennium ended, a special session still hasn’t been called and a bonding bill still hasn’t passed. Investments in bonds for affordable housing would serve 3,500 low-income households across local communities in Minnesota. MCH policy director, […]
Announcing MCH’s 2016 Legislative Agenda
The Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless advances policies to promote housing stability, economic opportunity, and racial equity throughout the state. This year, our coalition is advocating for affordable housing, economic security, and voting rights at the State Capitol. Please join us at Homeless Day on the Hill on March 15, 2016. Registration is open! 2016 […]
MCH Member Organizations Awarded Funding for Affordable Housing Development
Congratulations to Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless member organizations that were awarded funding this month from the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. Investments will help develop safe, stable, affordable housing for low-income households across the state: LSS: Center for Changing Lives, Duluth (20 Units) AEOA and Three Rivers Community Action: Ivy Manor Apartments, Virginia (41 rental units) […]
Homelessness History Project Needs Stories
The Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless is overseeing an effort to document the origins of our “modern era of homelessness.” Oral Historian Margaret Miles is interested in talking with anyone who was involved in or has a recollection of the SRO/hotel and urban renewal era (1940s-1970s) or the years that many shelters and other homeless […]
Remarks by Senta Leff at the 2015 Annual Conference
MCH’s Executive Director’s Opening Remarks – Strength in Difference: Innovation, Inclusion, and Individuality My name is Senta Leff. I am the brand new executive director of the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless. While we are here because of our shared commitment to ending homelessness, we each bring varied and valuable perspectives on how to accomplish […]
100 Members in 100 Days
#MCH100in100: New executive director’s hundred day tour September is here! That means I’m kicking off the 100 Members in 100 Days tour. Over the course of a hundred days and 2,225 miles, I’ll be meeting Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless members from every corner of the state As the new executive director of MCH, I’m humbled to be […]
New Report on Transitional Housing
The Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless recently published a new report, Transitional Housing: Creating Upward Mobility for Minnesota’s Homeless based on visits from 23 Transitional Housing programs in rural, suburban, and urban areas. Transitional housing has served as a central role in the toolbox of housing programs since the mid-1980s, providing affordable housing and supportive services for families, […]