
Homeless Day on the Hill 2014

[View the story “Homeless Day on the Hill 2014” on Storify]

At the Capitol: Homes for All Bill Hearing

[View the story “Homes for All: Bond for Housing” on Storify]

2014 Legislative Session: Advocacy Check List

The legislative session kicks off February 25, 2014. Governor Dayton is calling this year the “un-session.” We know it will be shorter than usual. Your advocacy is more important than ever in the coming weeks for two reasons. First, lawmakers need to know housing and economic opportunity are a priority this year–even on a short […]

Minnesota aims to end veteran homelessness this year

Exciting news! City and state officials recently announced they will aim to end veteran homelessness in Minnesota this year.  With about 350 homeless veterans counted in the entire state last year, it is an attainable goal. Liz Kuoppala, Executive Director of the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless, stated: “We applaud the commitment to ending veteran […]

Precinct Caucus: Resolution to Prevent and End Homelessness

Tuesday February 4 is precinct caucus night. This is the most local political party meeting. Neighbors gather to hear candidates, choose party delegates, and consider issues for their party’s platform. Precinct caucuses are a great way to meet your neighbors and be part of the civic process. You can find your meeting place and learn more […]

Our Journey to 5,000 “Likes” on Facebook!

Our Journey to 5,000 “Likes” on Facebook! By: Kirsten Rokke, MCH intern  We are elated with our 5,000 Facebook likes: new friends and advocates to encourage each other towards our shared goal of housing stability for all Minnesotans. Let us recap our journey from 3,847 “likes” to 5,172 during one cold week in January. I started […]

Governor Dayton Proposes $50 Million for Housing

Governor Dayton released his bonding bill proposal this morning: he included $50 million for affordable housing. This is a record. We are thrilled to see this commitment from Governor Dayton and praise his effort. Here’s his contact information – please consider writing a quick thank you note. There’s more good news: Homes for All has a bill prepared to invest $100 million for […]

Introducing Prosperity for All Campaign

After more than a decade of cuts and fighting harmful policies in MFIP, it’s time to propose an AFFIRMATIVE OPTION for families. The Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless merger with the Affirmative Options Coalition has culminated in the creation of the Prosperity for All campaign.  If you are authorized, please sign your organization on to the campaign…and […]

Advocacy in Action: 1,904 Affordable Housing Units

During the 2013 legislative session, hundreds of people and organizations joined Homes for All to pass a $33 million funding boost for affordable housing and homeless services. A portion of this funding was recently awarded by the Minnesota Housing Finance Agency. Bottom line: As a result of your support and advocacy, 1,904 affordable housing units will be […]

Raising the Minimum Wage

Hunger and Homelessness Awareness week has started.  Did you know raising the minimum wage is among the top three priorities for the Minnesota Coalition for the Homeless during the 2014 legislative agenda? Too many individuals and families do not have a stable place to live, simply because their wages are too low.  Yes, there are […]