MCH Members and Advocates,
The Governor released his budget, and while we are thankful for the investments to housing he did not include investments to the emergency services program. Please take action today and make *TWO* calls to the Senate Majority Leader & the Speaker of the House.
YOU make a difference! Please call today!
Find the script below and let us know when you’ve made your calls/e-mails:

When: ALL DAY (2/27/2019)
Contact Information:
Senate Majority Leader, Paul E. Gazelka (09, R): 651-296-4875
Speaker of the House, Melissa Hortman (36B, DFL): 651-296-4280
Script to guide your calls:
Hi, my name is [your name] and I live in [your county/city]. I’m calling to urge your strong support for critical investments that ensure families or individuals are not forced to sleep outside. House File 1043, and programs like the Emergency Services Program, make a person’s experience with homelessness rare, brief and non-recurring.
Emergency shelters are a starting point to gaining long-term housing stability. Shelters create a safe place to sleep, support for individuals to find jobs, and educational opportunities. Homeless encampments are increasing, with notable ones in Minneapolis and Saint Paul a few months ago. However, this remains a statewide issue needing statewide solutions.
Ensuring a strong target at the Department of Human Services will help House File 1043, which has bi-partisan support, pass successfully this session and impact the lives of the 10,000 Minnesotans experiencing homelessness.
Thank you.
After you’ve made your calls/emails, please let us know! We like to keep track of how our collective voices can make a difference.
Email Matt:
Thank you!!