It is the last week of the 2024 legislative session and we have one action alert that will address two critical pieces of legislation:
1) We have an opportunity to advocate for $4 million in one-time funding to support emergency shelters (Emergency Services Program). Even with the historic funding that passed during the 2023 legislative session, there is still a huge need. We need this funding so shelters can continue to be the starting point for long-term housing stability. This is possible because of the leadership of the Children and Families Committee. Special thanks to Chair Pinto, Vice-Chair Keeler, and committee members!
2) We also need to advocate to remove the “Revival and Reenactment of the Supportive Service Rate Reduction”. The consequences of the rate reduction remaining in place will lead to fewer housing options for Minnesotans experiencing or at risk of homelessness, providers reducing or eliminating services, and the state failing to leverage additional Medicaid funds to advance essential housing services.
Your email will be sent to members of the Health & Human Services Conference Committee (Sen Wiklund, Sen Mann, Sen Kupec, Rep Liebling, Rep Pinto & Rep Bierman). You can simply click “send email” or customize the email first (encouraged).
Find the full action alert here – and thank you for using your voice!