With five weeks to go until session commences, work has ramped up tremendously in committees! The House of Representative and Senate have until the end of today to pass all finance and appropriation bills through their respective finance committees. For the House of Representatives, this means the Ways and Means committee, chaired by Representative Marquart, will have heard all the omnibus appropriation bills, including the Housing and Health and Human Services bills. In the Senate, the Finance committee, chaired by Senator Rosen, will have heard the Senate’s version of omnibus appropriation bills. Once the bills are voted out of the finance committees they will be placed on General Ledger and taken to the House and Senate floors for a vote. After that, three members from each chamber will be assigned to a conference committee where differences in omnibus bills will be reconciled.
As a reminder, the Homes for All legislative agenda can be found here.
Here is where we currently stand with omnibus appropriation bills in the House and Senate.
Housing-related Omnibus bills: the House and Senate omnibus bills include the following items which are a part of the H4A agenda.