Nominate someone for the 2013 Steve O’Neil Award today!
Steve O’Neil was a St. Louis County Commissioner and tireless organizer for housing and homeless services. A Chicago native who earned a master’s degree at the University of Minnesota Duluth in the 1970s, O’Neil and his wife, Angie Miller, made advocacy a part of their daily lives.

St. Louis County Commissioner Steve O’Neil
They took homeless people into their home regularly and in addition to their two children, O’Neil and Miller helped raise 25 foster children. When it came to organizing, former colleague Jim Soderberg noted,
“Steve realized that if you want to create community, to move forward, you don’t demonize people. They are not the enemy because they disagree with you. You work with them.” Steve reached out his hand to likely and unlikely allies to move good policy forward. He had the ability to bring in powerful partners in all his community organizing work. Steve passed away in July 2013 and is greatly missed.
How to Nominate
In honor of Steve O’Neil, please help us recognize the efforts of an outstanding individual who exemplifies Steve’s passion and drive for organizing social and policy change. MCH board and staff members are not eligible. The winner of this award will be recognized at the MCH annual conference in Willmar, MN on October 14, 2013. Submit your nomination today! Be prepared to write 200-300 words explaining why you’ve chosen a person for the award.
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The deadline for submissions is September 20, 2013.
Thank you!